MedikalPreneur: a medical professional who is an entrepreneur

The Official Guidebook for Physicians’
Success in Business and Management

“I want to change the mentality—as well as the mythology—that physicians are bad business people. Physicians can be great entrepreneurs. They just don’t know it. Their medical  training provides the perfect hardware of the mind, thanks to their skillset; this book can upgrade physicians’ mental software, or attitude, to become the best business people—with exceptional ethics in business and management—in the 21st century as MedikalPreneurs.”
— Francisco Arredondo, MD MPH
MedikalPreneur: a medical professional who is an entrepreneur

The Official Guidebook for Physicians’ Success in Business and Management

“I want to change the mentality—as well as the mythology—that physicians are bad business people. Physicians can be great entrepreneurs. They just don’t know it. Their medical  training provides the perfect hardware of the mind, thanks to their skillset; this book can upgrade physicians’ mental software, or attitude, to become the best business people—with exceptional ethics in business and management—in the 21st century as MedikalPreneurs.”
— Francisco Arredondo, MD MPH

Dear Doctors and Health Care Professionals:

I’m on a mission to show you how to succeed in business and experience a medical career and life with greater impact, prosperity, and freedom than you ever imagined.

At the same time, I want to help you create a future livelihood and legacy that is bold, exciting, and far beyond the boundaries of traditional medicine.

My intention is for you to finish this book and say, “Wow, I can do this!  I’m going to be an entrepreneur! Actually, I’m going to be a MedikalPreneur.”

On the following pages, you will experience a paradigm shift—an upgrade in your intellectual software—that may have been programmed to believe that physicians are not good business people.  By the time you finish reading this book, you will know that yes, you can blaze new trails in business as a MedikalPreneur, and you will understand everything you need to know to make it happen.

I speak from experience, as a physician who has built seven businesses from the ground up.  I have voraciously studied business to apply the concepts to my medical companies, and I have succeeded beyond my wildest expectations.

As such, I began to call myself a MedikalPreneur:  a physician who is also an entrepreneur.

Now I am showing you what I learned, so you can use this book as your blueprint to become a MedikalPreneur and an excellent business person.  The reward will be freedom, fulfillment, financial abundance, and an extraordinary patient experience that will enable you to achieve the goal that inspired your medical career: to help people.

Shifting your mindset and taking action to becoming a MedikalPreneur requires vision, unconventional thinking, and courage. So, I want to replace your resistance and fear with confidence and knowledge that yes, you can master the principles of being a great business person and thrive in ways that transform patients’ lives—and in any area where you want to have an impact–for the better.

My mission is to inspire you to start thinking of yourself without borders. To do this, I want you as healthcare practitioners to avoid falling in the trap of an old story I once heard from Jorge Bucay, an Argentinian story teller.  It’s called The Elephant and The Chain.  Here’s a summary:

Once a kid in the circus noticed that the elephants, which displayed power and strength during the circus act, were chained to stakes.

“Why are the powerful animals chained to something that they could easily pull out of the soil in a second?” the kid asked.

“Because they’re domesticated,” adults responded.

“If they’re domesticated, why do they need a chain?” the boy asked. “Mmmh! Duh!”

Finally, a “trainer” explained that these elephants had been—as calves—chained to stakes. The calves had tried and tried to pull the stakes and escape, but being young and weak, they failed, and remained stuck. One day, they became tired and stopped pulling, convinced that they could not escape the chains and stakes. As a result, they grew up believing that they could not break away, even though they certainly could have—if only they had tried once more.

In the same way, we healthcare providers allow society to condition us to believe that we are “bad business people.”

You are not. You simply need to adjust the software of your mind.  And I will show you how to do that.

Physician and Author Francisco Arredondo

Francisco “Paco” Arredondo, MD MPH
Physician and Author of MedikalPreneur

Finding You In Fertility - A Step-by-Step Wellness Workbook for Family Building Through IUI and IVF
Also by Dr. Francisco Arredondo:


A Step-by-Step Wellness Workbook for Family Building Through IUI and IVF
by Francisco Arredondo, MD, MPH and Maria Eugenia Quevedo, LPC, LMFT, RPT

The authors, a reproductive endocrinologist and a psychotherapist, provide expert information from a medical perspective and emotional tools. Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist Dr. Francisco “Paco” Arredondo has founded several fertility companies and clinics in Texas. He was the founder and C.E.O. (Chief Experience Officer) of Reproductive Medicine Associates of Texas and led in the creation of the largest fertility network of clinics in the United States in 2019. Teams under his leadership have developed financial software and consulting companies to improve patient experiences in women’s health care and an individualized and simplified method of communication between patient, physician, embryologist, nursing, wellness professionals, and administration, helping promote the importance of healthcare organizations that treat, prevent, and rehabilitate the patient as a whole; body, mind, and soul.

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